"DP" and Me

DP and I became a "grandfamily" about three years ago. We are learning all about readjustment: me as a parent--again, him as part of a "new" family. Each day we find our little blessing in the storm.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I blinked---he changed

We working mothers often had that "feeling"---guilt, frustration, angst---that we would miss some developmental milestone in our child's life, because we had to work: their first step, or first time feeding themselves, or turning over in the crib, or crawling, or saying their first viable word. I missed some of those moments, because I was working. Well, it's happening again, this time while DP was at camp.

We have lived together for over 3 years and he had to go off to camp to have a voice change! As I said in an earlier post, I thought it was a cold, so I've been waiting for that "other" voice to come back. It hasn't. It won't. The deeper voice is here to stay.

What's different this time---what I call my "do over" is that this time, with this child, I am paying closer attention to changes and challenges. I am more aware.

1 comment:

  1. awwww...I know how you feel. I am still adjusting to my daughter being in middle school. Every day when I drop Aaron off at school, it feels so weird to not be dropping her off there too! I see moms walking their little kindergarten kiddies in the door and still have vivid memories of being one of those moms.

    I feel like I did when I was kid and we would go on the merry-go-round on the play ground. Someone would spin it really fast until I got dizzy and would yell "stop! stop! I wanna get off!"

    That's what I want to say now to Mother Time "stop! stop!"

    I'm glad DP had a good time at camp! Just take deep breaths and keep lots of chocolate on hand! That's what I am doing. :o)
